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Anaerobic Blood Agar, CDC Formulation - Mono Plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack.
Mono Plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Baird-Parker Agar is moderately selective and differential medium for the isolation and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in foods, environmental, and clinical specimens.
BIGGY Agar - Mono Plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack, Bismuth Sulfite Glucose Yeast Agar is a selective and differential medium used in the detection, isolation and presumptive identification of Candida species.
Brilliant Green Agar - Mono Plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Brilliant Green Agar is a highly selective medium used for the isolation of salmonellae other than S. Typhi from feces and other materials.
Cetrimide Agar - Mono Plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for the Isolation and Cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D/E Neutralizing Agar - Contact plates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. D/E Neutralizing Agar plates are used for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms present on surfaces of sanitary importance.
D/E Neutralizng Agar - Contact plates 100x15mm, Irradiated, Double-Bagged, 10 per pack. D/E Neutralizing Agar plates are used for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms present on surfaces of sanitary importance.
EMB Agar - Monoplate, 10 per pack. Levine EMB Agar is a selective and differential plating medium for the isolation of gram-negative enteric bacteria.
Letheen Agar - Mono Plates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for Evaluating the Bactericidal Activity of Quaternary ammonium Compounds.
m'Endo Agar, Les - Monoplates 100x15mm, 10 per pack.
M-HPC Agar - Monoplates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. 10 pack minimum.
MacConkey Agar - Monoplates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for the isolation and differentiation of Enteric Organisms.
Mannitol Salt Agar - Monoplates 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for the isolation of Staphylococci.
Potato Dextrose Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for Culturing Yeasts and Molds from Food and Dairy Products.
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for the Isolation and Identification of Pseudomonas.
R2A Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for Enumeration of Heterotrophic Organisms in Treated Potable Water.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, Deep Fill, 10 per pack. Base for the Cultivation of Fungi and Aciduric Microorganisms.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w/ Chloramphenicol, Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for the Cultivation of Fungi and Aciduric Microorganisms.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w/ Lecithin & Polysorbate 80, Contact Plates, 10 per pack. Base for the Cultivation of Fungi and Aciduric Microorganisms.
Standard Methods Plate Count Agar - Monoplate, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for Enumerating Bacteria in Water, Wastewater, Food and Dairy Products.
Tryptic Soy Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for a General Purpose Medium.
Tryptic Soy Agar - Monoplates, Irradiated, Double-bagged, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Base for a General Purpose Medium.
Tryptic Soy Agar w/ 5% Sheep Blood - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Tryptic Soy Agar with 5% Sheep Blood is used for cultivating fastidious microorganisms and for the visualization of hemolytic reactions produced by many bacterial species.
Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Polysorbate 80 - Contact Plate, 10 per pack. Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Tween 80 is used for the isolation of microorganisms from surfaces sanitized with quaternary ammonium compounds.
Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Polysorbate 80 - Contact Plate, Irradiated, 10 per pack. Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Tween 80 is used for the isolation of microorganisms from surfaces sanitized with quaternary ammonium compounds.
Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Polysorbate 80 - Monoplate, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Tryptic Soy Agar w/ Lecithin & Tween 80 is used for the isolation of microorganisms from surfaces sanitized with quaternary ammonium compounds.
Violet Red Bile Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. For the enumeration of coliforms in food and dairy products.
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per case. For the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae.
Vogel & Johnson Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. Vogel and Johnson Agar is used for the isolation of staphylococci.
XLD Agar - Monoplates, 100x15mm, 10 per pack. XLD Agar is used for the isolation and differentiation of enteric pathogens.